"Absolute Moral Authority" of Cindy Sheehan
Much has been said about Cindy Sheehan's "Absolute Moral Authority". But this writer believes that is the playground of the only absolute constant in the known universe - God, and leave the rest for the pundits.
Both sides have shamelessly exploited a mother's pain over the loss of her child. The right will go to any length to discredit her, and the left have made her a poster girl for the anti-war campaign.
One writer laments:
"Along with Fox and others you've run a nasty smear campaign on this woman. Please if you have any heart left leave her some peace now." |
Some will say it goes with the territory -- if you make a stand publicly, you also run the risk of public ridicule.
But now that her husband has filed for divorce, and she has left her Crawford vigil to attend her sick mom, perhaps that would be the humane thing to do. Or should I say... the 'right' thing to do.
And what is Bush doing about it?
Categories: news, in the news, current affairs, opinion, rants, ramblings, news and politics, politics, cindy sheehan
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1 Comments: 'It's your turn to toss the ball'...
Well said. I totally agree.
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